Thursday, February 20, 2014

Project Proposal



                e-Tutor for computer hardware


Background and Justification

  The ICT literacy becomes an essential life skill today. Everyone, especially students have to equip this skill to survive in their future in the technological world. Government education system introduced different subjects to develop ICT skills. Students in grade 6-9 have PTS (practical technical skills) subject which covers basics of ICT, grade 10 and 11 students have ICT as a subject and the grade 12 students have GIT/Advance level ICT subjects. Successful delivery of these subjects is highly depending on three factors namely, qualified teachers, number of periods (theory and practical) and the computer lab resources. 

Currently most of the school students not get a good combination of these three factors.

This project is an interactive e-learning (e-Tutor for computer hardware) tool for students to allow self-study. The e-Tutor can minimize lack of qualified teachers by providing theoretical knowledge and the practical knowledge in an interactive way using audio visuals. This software is available any time once installed and distribute as an interactive CD for students. Software provides interactive activities/simulations for lab the practicals. A proper evaluation/examination method is also being a feature of this software.

In the first step e-Tutor  will mainly focuses on the “Computer hardware”

e-Tutor will be beneficial for the students to be skilled in ICT. 




Target group

                School Students who are not having enough resources ICT (teaching and Lab practicals).



Aims and Objectives


                The main objective of the project is to develop software based tutoring program school students to develop their ICT skills. The computer hardware section will be integrate during the first phase of this project.

  1. Student observed the parts of the computer system unit.
  2. Student identifying the main part of mother board.
  3. Student has to get experience to how to connect using ports
  4. Student  identifying the uses of ports
  5. Student understands how to connect label
  6. What are the advantages for CPU and how it build on mother board



                Educational software



                CD Based (content provide in both Sinhala and English)




This project focuses on interactive e-learning (e-Tutor for computer hardware) tool for students to allow self-study. The e-Tutor can minimize lack of qualified teachers by providing theoretical knowledge and the practical knowledge in an interactive way using audio visuals.               

This project has planned to solve the problem of student’s hardware knowledge. Most of the students work with the computers but they do not know how to assemble this computer. This education software help student to identify the hardware components and their importance.


Time line
Identifying the problem
Problem and requirement analysis
System analysis
Logical design
Physical design
Development and Testing